The P360 exam is the gold standard of business English assessment, trusted by more than 50 world leading companies with 100,000 past examinees.
The 360 test series connects the examinees with the actual business scene.

Many companies and institutions have chosen to adopt the P360 test based on its practicality and effectiveness in real business situations. P360 is created based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and has been modified to meet the needs of business corporations. It measures skills such as response speed and the ability to paraphrase which are skills considered necessary in the modern business environment. Many global multi-national corporations are choosing P360 as an important indicator in their employee evaluation.

Read Me First

※P360 is not released to the public. Disclosing information on the contents or format of the test is against the terms stated in the contract.
※This test is created solely for companies to take the test as a group examination and not for the purpose of individual candidates.
※Our quality management and service provider is handled by US Rex Consulting.

Data from 100,000 candidates

Rex Consulting has gathered data from over 100,000 candidates and there are over 20% of candidates with scores 3.5 and above